Our Fees: Full Transparency

Transparency is a core value of ours, including the fees that clients pay. Our options are designed so that anyone may obtain financial advice and resources from us, regardless of where they are in life.

Since our start, we have proudly offered pro-bono planning services to ANYONE in need of financial advice, but without the means to pay for it. Please inquire.




Flat Fee (Hourly Basis – Negotiated)


Flat Fee (Hourly Basis – Negotiated)


.50% – 1.25% of Assets
Under Management

Educational Resources

  • Newsletter
  • Education Center
  • Articles
  • Initial Consultation Call
  • Conference Calls

Personal Financial Tools

  • Personal Financial Portal
  • Family Love Letter

Financial Planning Advice

  • Investment Planning
  • Retirement Planning
  • Estate & Charitable Giving
  • Risk Management & Insurance
  • Income tax planning
  • Cash Flow & Budget

Time Segmentation of Assets

(Into “Buckets”)

Calls/Meetings with Advisor

As Needed 2-4 times per year 2-4 times per year
Get Started with LEARNING Get Started with CONSULTING Get Started with PLANNING Get Started with INVESTING